Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 3 - The Real Tour Begins(Second Half)

Our ride("coach") where much time was spent and many skillful maneuvers made by our driver.

The Liffey river and staircases leading straight into it.  

Next we drove through Phoenix park, a massive park located in Dublin that covers 1760 acres, it’s the residence of various Ambassadors as well as the President of Ireland.
On this hill was where the Pope John Paul ll gave a speech in 1979, over a million people attended it. The streets of Dublin were completely empty that day according to stories.

The phoenix statue in the middle of the park.
The Guinness factory. This is not the last you’ll see of Guinness, it is massively popular here.

This is not traffic, it's how they parked cars. They left the cars in neutral and parking brakes off and people pushed them around as they needed to get into and out of spots.
It was extremely entertaining to watch.

Some random shots 

The two in blue are sisters in a family that creates their own folk music and plays at Scottish games here in the states, Mom and Robbie were quite surprised to see them playing in the streets of Dublin!

Trinity College is the next major stop, it’s a fairly large institution where a massive library of books is located. I really wish I had pictures of it, it was a huge hall filled bottom to top with incredibly old books but no photography was allowed and there were guards posted to ensure this. I probably could have snuck a few, but I have too much respect for places like that to do so.

After Trinity we headed back to the Hotel, which for the tour was the Hilton. It was quite a nice place to stay. As much as people complained about wanting authenticity I, for one, am happy to have my hot showers, modern TV, and well laid-out floor plans thank you.


  1. the parks look really beautiful there!

  2. Looks fun, wish I had more time for some traveling. D:

  3. Love the shots. I'm too poor to travel, so it's always nice to see these kinds of pictures. :D

  4. That trip looks fun! hope you got a lto out of that.

  5. lol, i really know that parking situations. you better dont park your new car there ^^

  6. That phoenix statue looks really cool. That cathedral-type looking building looks really neat too. Makes me wish I could travel more.

  7. Ireland really is a beautiful place.

  8. This looks like an awesome trip. I really want to go to Dublin.

  9. The steps leading into the river is because drunk people used to fall into it all the time. Before the stairs, there was no good way to get people out.

  10. Great photo of the church/cathedral. I am jelly.

  11. Man I should really explore the world more.

  12. awesome, always wanted to go there.

  13. that looks like an awesome tour! i'm so jealous

  14. This... something on last picture is nice! :D

  15. That last picture is pretty cool. What is it?

  16. To everyone asking what the last picture is - It's a sculpture at Trinity College.
    Imo it's a samus-ball prototype

  17. Man, i need to travel a bit, i feel so boring

  18. I need to get out of my house and see things like you do. :/ so jealous haha

  19. I feel like watching Eurotrip now haha.

  20. Samus prototype. LOL, good one.

    I have to agree with metalpark on this one.

  21. Verry nice pictures, I want to travel now =(
