Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 11 – The Best has Passed but it’s still Great

Today we’ll be visiting Kylemore Abbey and Connemara, as well as a visit to the Connemara Marble cutters and ending at the Ardilaun in Galway again.
They’re burning peat logs. They have a very different smell than wood, it’s earthy and quite pleasant.
I've also since had scotch made with peat, it was amazing.

 The Connemara Marble place, perhaps their headquarters?
 I got a piece here. A dark green cutout in the shape of Ireland.

 Kylemore Abbey has an astounding profile. Seeing it emerge from the trees next to the lake as we approached was beyond words. This entire setting was just so very exquisite.

I'll finish Kylemore next time, there's still a lot of pictures of it